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Lawson H D

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  1. WAZZZZUPPPP YALLLLL!!! I am from the dirty south and want to accomplish a couple things during my time here.- 1. LEARN DEVELOPMENT SKILLS in Java and MYBB so that I can add creativity into Simplicity. I have experience using MYBB PLUGINS when I created MY OWN SITE when I was just a kid. 2. LEAVE AN OPTIMISTIC MARK ON Simplicity The Graphics (GFX) Section combined with the MYBB PLUGINS is where my INVINCIBLE PASSION FOR (GFX) started. When I saw the GRAPHICS (GFX) SECTION, on this site it filled me with joy because everyone can express themselves there and bring ALL IDEAS TO LIFE with a little practice. I might pursue my love for (GFX) once again,( STAY TUNED) , but I am very rusty and have not made anything in 8 years. I would love to create INSANE QUANTITIES of HD DESIGNS FOR EVERYONE!!! (Signatures, Avatars, and Banners) IF INTERESTED, COMMENT BELOW , AND I WILL MAKE AN OFFICIAL POST IN THE GFX SECTION FOR ALL SPECIAL REQUESTS!!! I strongly recommend everyone to CHECK OUT THE GRAPHICS SECTION located in the COMMUNITY SECTION of the forum where I will post more info on how to request HD DESIGNS. I promise it will be the best thing you ever did. Lookin forward to meeting everybody and most importantly, LESSS GETTT THE BIG MONEY!!!!


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