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  1. Lets Go Gambling!!! To get to the Gambling arena do ::gamble Rules: This includes all Flower & Dice Bag types of games as well as Staking. You are allowed to walk away whenever you like 1. You are NOT allowed to gamble an In-Name Donation Vs Items/Cash. 2. You are not allowed to do bets that are un-even. Meaning 2 sang staffs vs 1. All dice and flower poker gambles are to be at ::gamble. Make sure to record your gambles to be safe. 3, You are to use the Automated gambling system. 4. Manually planting flowers while Automated gambling is active, is against the rules and no longer allowed. 5. You are not permitted to Gamble if you have been "Gamble Banned" on any account. This will be considered Punishment Avoiding! How To Play Flower Poker: Nothing: No matching flowers 1 Pair: 2 Flowers that are of the same color 2 Pairs: 2 Flower Colors are planted twice. 3 of a Kind: 1 Color Flower is planted 3 times Full house: Is "1 Pair + 3 of a Kind" 4 of a Kind: 1 Color Flower planted 4 times Royal Kind: 1 Color Flower planted 5 times How to gamble using Dice: Note, DO NOT USE "DROGO" CC the official dice CC is "dice" Side Note. when dicing its recommended to use a middle man Games 55x2: (objective) Roll higer then the hosts set number - Host must have a dicebag. (can be obtained from "gamblers shop on the east side of ::gamble) - Only can be rolled once - "55" means that if the person who placed the bet rolls a number of 55-100 they win 54 and lower the host wins - "x2" means how much the host is multiplying the bet. x2 is double x3 is triple and so on. Dice Duel: (objective) Roll higher then your opponent - Each player must have a bag of dice. - Its a best 2 rounds out of 3 rounds. - Each player rolls their dice. whoever rolls the higher number wins that round. - Whoever wins 2 rounds wins the pot Black Jack: (objective) Get as close to 100 as possible - Host must have a dicebag - Player trades the "host" or "middle man" their bet - Host rolls for the player and the player can then decide on either hitting or staying by saying so in the chat. - If player decides to hit and go over 100 the player loses and the "Host" wins - If the player decides to stay its now the "Hosts" turn - Host then rolls and tries to get as close to 100 as possible without going over but also doing better then the players number. - Host has to try and beat the players number
  2. Simplicity's Quick Beginner Guide! (Last updated July 3, 2024 by Cameron and Jpmorgan) This guide aims to help brand new and returning players get up to speed and build a strong foundation for a succesful account! What to do right away... Join our discord server by typing ::discord in-game. Make sure to set up your notifications so you don't miss any in-game events! Visit the #server media channel for promo codes to help get you started! You are only allowed to a promo code once. Make sure you familiarize yourself with the rules! Type ::rules in-game Vote for a chance at amazing rewards. Type ::vote in-game to launch the vote site. Remember that you can vote every 12 hours except on Top100 which is every 24 hours! Max your combat stats by killing rock crabs or yaks. You can get to them by typing ::tp -> monsters -> rock crabs / yaks. Getting your first donor rank... Visit the warriors guild and complete the defender collection log by collecting 1x of each defender (bronze -> dragon). You can access warriors guild via ::tp -> minigames -> warriors guild 1. Note: You can visit the wise old man at ::home2 for a 99 atk cape which allows you to get into the warriors guild for free Once you've compelted the defender log, purchase 2x '$10 Scroll' to achieve Bronze donor rank allowing you access to Donator Island - ::di. Donation scrolls increase your in-game donation rank without spending real life money. Every donor rank comes with its own benefits, you can check these benefits out by doing ::benefits. Setup for PVM... Visit ::di and talk to the the old druid npc. Purchase the dragonkin xp lamps - these lamps will make maxing out your stats incredibly quick! Each lamp only costs 100m each. Get a 'Ring of Bosses' - the ring will pick up all drops for you and place them into your bank or your inventory, making PVM a breeze when you don't have to pick up your loot after every kill. Get a 'Superior Pet' - these pets give you unlimited soul split and can stack with protection prayers. To learn more, visit ::thread 1877 to see which pets these are. Money making! when your first starting off in simplicity money can be hard to come by. One easy way to help yourself and help the sever is by voting! but only vote when ::vpanel tells you your allowed to vote! Another sure way to make a bunch of money is by hitting all the ::Events that you can do as long as you keep teleporting back into the boss fight and do damage you will get a drop! Everywhere in simplicity is a safe death besides the wilderness. Farming all the bosses in simplicity will make you money by collecting all the drops a boss has to offer and filling all the spots in the collection log! One of the best money makers in Simplicity currently is Elite Slayer. It's a grind but when you reach those 40-60+ levels you will be making tons of money! (more in depth guide on money ::thread 9988) Gear tips Most of the game's content can be done with mid-tier gear such as Sagittarian and hand cannon xi. Sagittarian / Scared Clay / Ancestral are great starter gear for any and all new accounts. We have a massive gear thread to help you by doing ::thread 1112 you can find all gear, while doing ::bis will show you the gear progression! Twisted slayer helm - Offers a 54% damage buff when used with Ancestral top/bottom Ring of Bosses- provides a 15% drop rate increase also picking items up and send them to your bank or inventory! Other ::Staff shows you all online staff / donation managers currently Entity Hider can be found in the runelite settings allowing you to hide other players in game (increases fps) ::Drops- give you the ability to search for an item and which monster drops it! ::events- opens all the world boss and the timer when they will spawn ::benefits- shows you the many levels of benefits a donator gets ::boxloots- shows you what drops you can get out of your boxs ::vpanel- to show you what your streak is and when you can vote! Most importantly, remember to have fun!
  3. This in-depth guide is just an example of what to do for newer players. you don't have to follow this exactly all the way through. consider doing everything that the server has to offer and be a part of the Amazing community Some things beforehand: -- If you are looking for a quick guide on what to do as a new player, check out ::thread 10827 -- Check out ::thread 1112 or ::BiS for all the gear in simplicity. -- you can click any skill to teleport to the training spot. -- check out ::thread 3935 for the guide on all guides. -- Donating is always an option to increase your donor rank and get lucky with a Goodiebag. Check https://simplicityps.org/store --Check ::thread 3841 For different game modes (Most of this guide is meant for the Normal game mode). $10/$20/$50/$100 scrolls add to your donation total, these do not give donor points. (nothing gives donor points its an old system) Looking for Benefits, check ::benefits. also check out ::thread 5808 for a nice overview of donation zones Some Basic rules: -- Do NOT vote on more than one account within a 12 hour period. -- You cannot give away more then 30B each day to other players. -- Make sure to read through all the rules ::rules start out with voting, type ::vote in game. Vote on all 6 sites, after that type ::voted in game. (Its recommended to not be in combat while claiming) You can only vote on top100arena every 24 hours and the rest of the sites will be available every 12 hours. To find your PROMOCODE click on the vote banner of simplicity, and follow the instructions on the screen. Or go to the #Server-media channel on ::Discord and watch one of the promotion videos to find a promocode. [Never give away your promocode to anyone!!!] Type ::Discord In-game to join the Discord server, all events will be announced there, make sure Read the rules and to click the at #Rules-Read-Me. Choose your alerts for in-game bosses/Drop parties/Events at #Choose-your-alerts. And check the #events tab for the current amazing events hosted (these require you to have voted for a certain amount of days, check the rules in the event) If you encounter problems which can't be resolved in-game, go to the #Support section. Make sure to Click the at #Rules-Read-Me first. You can sell your vote scrolls in PoS (Player owned Shops) Or Grand Exchange To make some starting cash. Or use them for Vote Points. (you can spend these in the vote shop) The PoS is the most used shop to sell your items and buy items from Players. Buy your first basic gear setups at ::shops Start out with training your stats at ::train Pets: Pets play a big part in simplicity. there are multiple kinds of pets that give you extra bonuses. Kinds of Pets: - Normal boss/skilling pets - these don't do anything. - Superior pets - these give unlimited Soul Split. - Elite pets - these give 10% drop rate and 10% bonus damage to their respective Boss/Raid. - Executive pets - these have multiple different benefits. I'd recommend checking out ::thread 1877 to see all the benefits Some places don't allow pets! How to get them: - Many bosses drop pets. - Opening boxes may have a chance on giving Superior pets. Check ::Boxloots to see which could give them. - Some stores sell them for a hefty price. - Some can be bought from the ::store with $$ Money making: For a in-depth overview on ways to make money check out ::thread 9988 i will include a couple of easy ways to make money down below. Always try to keep up with the ::events. (you might die a lot, but just keep coming back. try to be alive when the boss dies. otherwise you get no loot.) ::Warmonger (top 5 damage gets loot) ::Tekton (top 10 damage gets loot) ::Ali ::Demon ::Darklord ::Solak ::Eliteboss (Need to have a active Elite slayer task) ::Blood (Need lvl 20 Elite slayer, and a active Elite slayer task) ::Wildyboss (Safe as long as the boss is alive) Easter/Christmas/Halloween Demonic lands Minigame: The demonic lands Minigame is a great way to make money especially when you don't have any good gear yet. inside the minigame you get special gear which you can only use there. You can start the minigame by clicking on the portal at home Check out ::thread 9917 for the full Guide Check out ::thread 9647 for a video walkthrough. Example of a reward. Master Achievements: You can start doing the Master Achievements there are 2 ways you can open the achievement window -- Type ::eliteachievements -- Click your quest tab For some easy to do Master Achievements check out this guide ::thread 5802 Try to do one of these next achievements, or any achievement you would like to do. (the next achievements are mostly PvE based, in the guide are also easy skilling alternatives.) -- The easiest Achievement to start with is killing 250 mole bosses. ::tp > Bosses > Giant Mole. This will give you 15B cash and a Emerald box (which you can sell in the PoS) -- You can also go for Pet hunter, which gives 3 Emerald boxes and 3B cash. While going for this one you'll probably complete KBD Slayer, which gives you 10B cash. ::tp > Bosses > King Black Dragon. You could choose either of these achievements to have enough money for the next gear setups. Gear: Beginner Gear sets: Range: Melee: (This setup will still save you a lot of money, but you have to save up for a Sythe of Vitur, which is the next huge upgrade). Magic: (This setup will still save you a lot of money, but you have to save up for a Sanguinesti Staff, which is the next huge upgrade). The next Gear setups could be: Range: Melee: Magic: * Ring of Bosses can send drops to your inventory or bank once you toggle the option. (this doesn't work on some bosses). * Boss capes give a drop rate increase on their respective boss. For your next upgrades I would check ::thread 1112 or ::BiS for different cape/ring/weapon/gear options. The Collection Log: The Collection log is a great way to get money, the rewards for completing these are mostly better then master achievements. But might take longer to complete, which is why I recommend getting some decent gear first. (bottom right button) - The Warrior's Guild Defenders collection log is one of the easiest to complete, with a great reward. - If you are lucky while going for the KBD Master achievement, you might be able to complete the KBD Collection log at the same time. - Otherwise any GodWars bosses would be easy to start farming for the collection log. Elite Slayer: Elite Slayer is mid/end game content on Simplicity You need to have level 99 Slayer and you'll need some decent/good gear to start leveling. You can start grinding Elite Slayer by talking to Doom Slayer at home. Teleports to your tasks can also be found in the ::tp interface I recommend taking a look at ::thread 8153 to see everything that Elite Slayer has to offer. I can't emphasize enough that this guide is just a rough path you can follow, Explore at your own will. and most of all remember to have fun 💛 If there is anything i could add or change, please let me know, any and all feedback is welcome and appreciated 🧡 Special thanks to @ Lausac @ MuRado @ Ytmillsey @ xfaz @ Aspecton @ Bradders99 @ copskillcows @ R M B T @ lapin @ Owndurazz @ Warmtooheys @ shiftynex @ Ntho For their feedback and help!!
  4. This guide is focused towards new players to help assist them on easy ways to generate money within Simplicity Voting is a very simple way of generating Cash from day 1 - When voting on all 6 sites players will receive 26 Vote scrolls, Cash money, Advancing their Voting Streak, Monthly Vote Streak Rewards, and the chance at getting an extra reward on top! 1/3 Runelocus Crystal Box 1/5 Owner's Vote Box 1/8 Sapphire Box 1/10 Emerald Box 1/15 Ruby Box 1/20 Onyx Box 1/30 Runelocus Grand Chest 1/35 Runelocus Executive Bond 1/40 Infernal Box Voting Panel - To access this panel type in the in game chat box ::vpanel, this is where you can check your weekly vote streak -Once you have voted on all 6 sites use ::voted or ::claimvotes in game to collect rewards *All 6 sites must be voted on for streak to move forward *Vote streak is 12 hr based, when using command ::vpanel in game a timer will appear in the chat box, players can vote 1 extra time within this 12 hr time frame but the streak will not move forward until this timer has reset at 12hrs and says "You are eligible for vote streak reward in : Now!" Example Roughly after voting 10 mins ago Example When Streak has reset - Vote Scrolls Sells roughly for 200m - 250m ea $$$ - Vote Scrolls can also be claimed for either * 10 minutes of 30% Bonus Exp * 1m & 1 Vote points (doubled when ::well is active) - Monthly Voting Rewards *Along with Vote Streak Rewards, each time voting every 12hrs players will receive a monthly voting reward as well in their ::collect box - For Brand New players *Easy beginner level tasks that can accessed by using ::starter in game *These are a variety of low tier tasks players can complete for early game rewards - Master Achievements offer a massive variety of achievements that can be completed for rewards, ranging from easy - extreme tasks These can be accessed by clicking on the M Achievements text in quest tab (red star) or by typing ::eliteachievements in game. *Few easy tasks include -Mole Destroyer -KBD Slayer -Barrelchest -Chicken Slayer - Simplicity has a multitude of afk area's that offer different afk methods to allow players to gain some easy cash while they are away from their computer *Items obtained through these afk methods can be sold to the General store at ::shops for extra cash $$$ All AFK spots Blue Bells - Afk fountains at home located east of home bank Crystal Chunks - Summer Tree located at home area (3 spawns that rotate and has chance to drops Box's) Buckets of Saltwater - (::afkzone) Wester fish - (::westerfish) Gold Fragments - ::goldtree (requires Gold Rank+) Juniper Logs - ::rubytree (requires Ruby Rank+) Large Rocks/Gems - Crystal afk mining (requires Crystal Rank+) Dragonfruit - Infernal zone ::elite (requires Infernal Rank+) Imperial Crystal - Imperial zone ::imp (requires Imperial Rank) - Simplicity has a huge PVM base!, therefore Bossing is a great way to earn some $$$ in game *Players can open the teleport menu via ::tp in game, alternatively by the boss tab. Feel free to try out all of the bosses to find your favorites to grind Here are a few beginner level Boss's to start with King Black Dragon *Goes towards KBD Slayer Master achievement & Collection Log Tormented Demon *Goes toward Collection Log Zulrah *Goes toward Master Achievement & Collection Log -Each Boss Kill will reward you with Boss points, which can then be used at the Boss points Store located inside home bank *Double Boss points with Sapphire Rank+ *Bossing can be a great source of $$$ as you progress and are able to kill harder/higher level Boss's in game you will generate more $$$$$ -Everyday Multiple Events are held amongst the server, these are either set on a timer you can check with ::events or hosted by staff members -Everything from Hide and Seek, Pet Hunts, Boss Mass's, Cow's Event, and even more! -Be sure to visit our Discord Server and react to all the Posts in #alerts to be notified of when Simplicity/Staff Events are hosted! *Most Boss Events are already set on a scheduled timer in the ::events tab, the Simplicity Staff Team hosts a variety of events on their own during different times of the day and we even have some player sponsored events from time to time as well! Couple of the easier Event Boss's include Warmonger Tekton Couple of the Higher Tier Event Boss's Dark Lord The Great Guardian (Summer Event Boss) -Don't miss out on Simplicity Event Boss's they can offer some very spicy rewards $$$ -Collection Log offers a variety of challenges to players by requiring them to obtain all drops/items possible from Boss's, Raid's, Theatre of Blood, Elite Slayer, Skilling, Clue's, Minigames, and more! -You can access this panel by going into the quest tab (red star or yellow star) and clicking on the text Collection Log or by typing in game ::collection Collection Log Panel *Once a Log has been completed players may claim there rewards by simply clicking on the Claim button in the bottom right of the tab *Rewards will go to your collection box ::collect *These are rewards for the true Grind kings & queens of Simplicity! How many have you completed? Thank you, hope this guide has helped you learn ways to generate $$$ in Simplicity 😀 Enjoy!
  5. Demonic Lands Guide Before You Start Demonic lands brings you back to Treasure island where you have to defeat demonic monsters to continue to the next stage. You will spawn inside the mini-game with a special custom set that contains dark magic "Demonic celestial" together with the powerful Demonic staff (AoE). * You don't need any gear, as you will be given full magic equipment when going through the portal. * You don't need anything in you inventory. After the first wave you will be provided with some resources. * If using regular prayer its recommend to have level 43 prayer at the minimum for the protect from melee prayer and if you have level 77 prayer its recommended to use Augury, as you are using magic the whole time. * If your using curses its recommended to have level 71 prayer for deflect from melee and level 95 prayer for torment. * DO NOT TAKE ANY PETS/FAMILIARS INSIDE AS YOU RUN THE RISK OF LOOSING THEM !!! Level One * As you step through the portal and begin. You will want to turn on protect from melee or defect from melee. * Take out the spawns. * Once spawns are killed click on either chest in the center. * Use a Overload Potion and step through the the yellow portal in the center, in between the fires. Level Two * In level 2 "Throne hall" you will find new weapon upgrades and supply chests that will help you progress through the mini-game. Every wave comes with various unique monsters and mechanics that need to be mastered in order to continue to the next stage. * On Level Two there will be three waves. * You will want to focus on the southern area where I'm standing as It will give you more time to see enemies coming your way. Wave One * There will be a group of spawns that you you can kill quick as they are grouped up. Wave Two * There will be a group of spawns that you you can kill quick as they are grouped up. * There will be ghost spawns called " Summoned Soul" be careful they can one shot !! you will see them on your mini map walking towards you. Kill them before they reach you. * A supply chest will appear. Make sure you have a least two inventory slots open and you will get a new weapon and cape. Wave Three * Wave three is basically the same mechanics. *About half way through wave three you will see two ghost spawns. Kill the one in the north first. *After you tag the northern ghost you can run east and attack the second ghost and run, don't let it get close as they can one hit you! *Run back to that spot in the south so you can see the spawns coming in easier. *There will one more time the ghost will spawn. There will be three. One in the south, middle, and north. *Kill the middle ghost first and then run north alongside the eastern wall. Once you have some distance kill them both, might get them at the same time. *After these three ghost are dead no more will spawn so you can relax and kill the rest of the spawns in the center of the room. * Once all spawns are killed a chest will spawn to the east. * After you collect from the chest enter the portal in the center of the room. Level Three * Once reaching level 3: "The Necromancer", you will have to go through 10 waves, including 2 boss waves, before facing the final boss. A secret Treasure room entrance will spawn once the final boss is defeated. * No need to move let the spawn come to you. * You will get another supply drop which has a ring and a amulet that will help boost your mage damage. * Once looted prepare for more spawns. * You will get one more supply drop which will have a overload cape. * Once you get your Overlord cape the Necromance will spawn in. * In the fight with the Necromancer be careful as they can disable your prayer. Make sure you have protect from melee or delefect melee on! * You can hit him and run to the middle or stand where there is no fire, the fire will do a lot of damage so be careful! * Once the Necromancer is killed stick around where the Necromancer was. Two more will spawn. * As you run east to the second Necromancer you will pass the Supply Drop on this level. * Kill the second Necromancer. * There are a total of ten waves on level three with the last one being a Giant Necromancer. * Once the Giant Necromancer is killed you are done and can go through the door in the north to enter the treasure room. The Treasure Room You will be rewarded with 100 Demonic points and one roll from the treasure chest for completing the mini-game. The best rewards from the chest are the Demonic relic, Roseblood set and Infernal box. The Demonic Merchant The Demonic merchant is located next to the Demonic lands portal, he lets you exchange your demonic points for items in his store. You will get rewarded with 100 demonic points for completing the mini-game every time. The merchant also has a list of achievements available for the real mini-game grinders that like to earn rewards. There is also a collection log added for Demonic lands. Demonic Tribrid Set The Demonic lands mini-game comes with a lot of rewards as listed in the previous parts of the update log, however there is also a special custom set added to the Demonic merchant shop. The first Tribrid with textures that also possesses the same set effect damage boost as Celestial, Sacred clay & the Sagittarian set. The Demonic set is highly exclusive and only available to get from the Demonic merchant store. Good Luck Grinding !!
  6. Beginners guide for non / bad English speakers (in Hungarian language) Először is szeretnék üdvözölni mindenkit a magyar nyelvű „Tutorial” fórumon. Első sorban szeretném mindenkinek javasolni az alap „Yes show me the tutorial”-t amelyet a szerver csatlakozásakor felkínálnak. A legfontosabb dolog, hogy ez a szerver 99% ban egy PVM szerver, ami azt jelenti, hogy „szinte” nincs PVP. · AFK Zones: Ezen a szerveren összesen 3 különböző felhasználóval is bejelentkezhetsz. Ebből 2-vel farmolhatsz problémamentesen az AFK-Zónában, illetve: home (Edgeville) ben. · Events: Nagyon sok Event van ennek köszönhetően, hogy ez egy PVM szerver. Az event listát az ::events paranccsal nyithatjuk meg. · Shops: Alapvetően, mint minden RSPS szerveren vannak a normál shopok ::shops melyekben az alapvető felszerelésekhez lehet jutni. De ezen a szerveren megtalálhatóak a GE illetve egy „PoS” nevezetű rendszer mellyel könnyedén túladhatsz és vehetsz dolgokat a többi játékostól. · Teleports: ::tp - ::teleport paranccsal illetve a - ikonra kattintva kiválaszthatjuk hova / melyik „Boss”, etc. – szörnyhöz szeretnénk tele portálni. · Skills: Az alapvető „Combat” skill-eket a ::train paranccsal eljutva a „Rock Crabs” ekhez melyekkel egyszerűen léphetünk szinteket. Az összes többi Skilleket pl.: Mining, Woodcutting, etc. egyszerűen az ikonokra kattintva eljuthatunk azokra a helyekre, ahol könnyedén szinteződ hetünk. · Drops: ::drops Feldob egy olyan ablakot melyben rákereshetünk a kiszemelt szörnyre és megnézhetjük mely dolgokat dob nekünk megölésük után. · Parancsok: Minden egyéb parancsokhoz, segítség kéréshez akár bármilyen más szörny vagy kellék segédlethez a ::commands paranccsal rákereshetünk. · Rendszerbeállítás: Ikonra kattintva beállíthatjuk mely „Mod”-ban szeretnénk játszani. Lehetséges az „oldschool” látszat illetve a full képernyős lehetőség is. · Játék mód: Különböző játékmódok választhatóak ezen a szerveren mint például: „normal” – „Standard Iron” – „hardcore iron” – „Ultimate iron” – „group iron” – „Realism” o Normal: A normál játékmóddal nagyon egyszerüen elmagyarázva minden lehetséges – nagyon sok fejlődés és semmi korlátozás. o Standard Iron: Nem tudsz cserélni, szerencsejátékon részt venni, nem kapsz pvp – dropot játékos után, nem tudsz dolgokat felvenni melyeket más játékosok dobtak le a földre. Nem kapsz dropot azok a szörnyek után melyeket más játékos is megsebzett. o Hardcore Iron: Szinte ugyanaz, mint a Standard iron a különbség az, hogy itt, ha egyszer meghalsz akkor vége. Visszaleszel rangsorolva Standard Ironban. o Ultimate Iron: Szintén, mint a Standard Iron, de itt nem használhatsz Bankot. o Group Iron: Mint a nevében is benne van, olyan a játékmód, mint a Standard Ironnak de itt cserélhetsz másik „Group Iron” módban játszó játékossal. o Realism: 25x xp – többlet, illetve 5% magasabb a lehetőség arra, hogy a szörnyek dobjanak valamit a halálukkor. Ebben a módban, ha meghalsz elveszted a cuccaidat. Pénzhez jutási lehetőségek: Voting: ::vote paranccsal – szavazhatunk a szerverre, a szavazás után, kapni fogunk „vote Scrolls” okat melyeket el is adhatunk vagy felhasználhatjuk őket és pontokat szerezhetünk melyekkel a „vote store” ban különböző dolgokat vásárolhatunk. 6 oldalon kell szavazni, melyekből 1 oldalon (Top100Arena) csak 24 óránként lehet a többin 12 óránként. Donator Ranks: ::benefits paranccsal meg nyitódik a simplicity oldalon egy lista melyen felvannak tüntetve melyik rank-al mit lehet elérni milyen dolgok adódnak még hozzá a játékhoz. Events: Minden „Boss” eventhez nyugodtan csatlakozhatsz, nem számít, ha meghalsz, egy minimum sebzést kell bevinni a szörnyeknek és a szörny drop garantált. Boxes: Ezen a szerveren nagyon sok féle box van a legegyszerűbb Mystery boksz- tól a nagyon drága Neptun/Drogo Loco Boxokig. a ::boxloots paranccsal megnézhetjük mely Box milyen dolgokat illetve mennyiséget ad egy nyitás után. Remélem tudtam segíteni eme egy😉szerű „Tutorial/Guide” -vel, bármi más kérdéssel, ha online vagyok fordulhattok hozzám. Ingame name: Goodhex I would like to say a special thanks for the Simplicity Staff members for letting me do this non English tutorial/Guide.
  7. Alchemy Guide Frist off, to start use the teleport ::alchemy -Alchemy Requires a few things, first being a Formula Scroll -There are Formula scrolls for Each Item In Alchemy and you can look them up via ::Drops in game -Depending on the item you are trying to make there different items needed to craft. To Start ::alchemy Click on the Alchemy Table -You will need your formula scroll. -And you will also need the required ingredients. Once you have your Formula Scroll and the correct ingredients for the item you can attempt to craft. -Go ahead and click on the CRAFT Button to craft the item. -Now when crafting items there is a success rate for each Item. -There is a chance of failing, when you fail you will loose your ingredients and the formula scroll !! When crafting items you will earn Alchemy Points. You will be able to spend your alchemy points at the Alchemy Masters Shop Points seem to vary by item irrespective of difficulty rate -Very High success rate items grant = 1 point (blow pipe) -High success rate items grant =25 points ( dark twisted bow) -Medium success rate items grant = 3 points (ring of bosses) -Very Low success rate items grant = 15 points ( amulet of blood fury) Thank you @ Jpmorgan for testing the alchemy points! Good luck crafting your items!! Enjoy the Server!!
  8. Hi everyone! I have created updated gear guides for each of the three combat styles. I hope that this helps you know what upgrades to get! Melee Guide Ranged Guide Magic Guide
  9. [Currently its difficult to buy a slayer ring, staff and other players can give away slayer rings, so feel free to ask in CC.] This guide will be for anyone who can't find their slayer task I will say beforehand, once you have a few points try to get some slayer rings since you can use the rub option to teleport straight to your slayer task. A ring costs 75 points but there is a possibility to buy the ability to make slayer rings which will save a lot of points in the long run. Also have a look through all the rewards to see if there is something you would like to get, like Gargoyle smasher, Slug salter and Reptile freezer, to make your life easier. Click the slayer skill to choose a slayer master/teleport to your slayer master/teleport to Slayer Tower and Karuulm Slayer Dungeon. If it says '' skip this task until you have a slayer ring.'' that means there is no other way to get to your task without a slayer ring teleport. Some things beforehand Ctrl + F is a shortcut to find the Monster you need, since this is a pretty big list. Click the Up or Down arrow in the Search box, to change Slayer Master. Otherwise scroll down to your Slayer Master, all tasks are in alphabetic order. Blue text = Task doesn't work. Black text = (Annotations). Orange text = Slayer Monster. Purple text = Skip this task until you have a slayer ring. Red text = Slayer Master. If there is a [WARNING!!], it probably is meant for hardcore or realism accounts. ```Turael``` Banshees: Click slayer skill > 3rd option > 1st floor just before the stairs to the 2nd floor. Bats: Click slayer skill > 3rd option > 1st floor right at the beginning. Birds: ::tp > Monsters > Chicken pen Bears: ::Ardougne > walk east and follow the path north. Cave Bugs: ::tp > Dungeons > Lumbridge Swamp Cave Cave crawlers: ::tp > Dungeons > Fremennik Slayer Cave Cave slime: ::tp > Dungeons > Lumbridge Swamp Cave Crawling Hands: Click the Slayer skill > 3rd option Dogs: (Take a hatchet!!) > ::tp > Dungeons > Brimhaven Dungeon > cut the vines > they walk around in this area. Dwarves: ::Falador > walk north, then north east towards Varrock > you'll see them along the way Ghost: ::tp > Dungeons > Taverly Dungeon > keep walking north until you find them Goblins: ::Lumbridge > go east over the bridge. Icefiends: ::Home > go south, just before barbarian village go west > when you reach the water altar go north a bit and then west again on the mountain > go up to the snow. Kalphites: ::tp > Bosses > Kalphite Queen. [WARNING!! Kalphite Queen can hit a lot!!] (you can kill the little ones or the Queen for the task.) Lizard: (Buy Ice coolers from a slayer master to kill them)::tp > Monsters > Dust Devils > walk east around the hill > go north through Pollnivneach > follow the river until you get to 2 bridges > go east over the bridge Minotaurs: ::tp > Dungeons > Stronghold of Security Monkeys: ::tp > Monsters > Harpie Bug Swarm > Walk a bit to the east > follow the river south. Rats: ::tp > Dungeons > Stronghold of Security Scorpions: ::Home2 > go east until you're out of Varrock > to south until you find the open gate towards al Kharid. walk south until you find the mining place. Skeletons: ::tp > Dungeons > Taverly Dungeon > walk north a bit. Spiders: ::tp > Dungeons > Edgeville Dungeon. Wolves: ::tp > Dungeons > Stronghold of Security Zombies: ::Edgedung > walk north. ```Spria``` Banshees: Click slayer skill > 3rd option > 1st floor just before the stairs to the 2nd floor. Bats: Click slayer skill > 3rd option > 1st floor right at the beginning. Birds: ::tp > Monsters > Chicken pen Bears: ::Ardougne > walk east and follow the path north. Cave Bugs: ::tp > Dungeons > Lumbridge Swamp Cave Cave crawlers: ::tp > Dungeons > Fremennik Slayer Cave Cave slime: ::tp > Dungeons > Lumbridge Swamp Cave Crawling Hands: Click the Slayer skill > 3rd option Dogs: (Take a hatchet!!) > ::tp > Dungeons > Brimhaven Dungeon > cut the vines > they walk around in this area. Dwarves: ::Falador > walk north, then north east towards Varrock > you'll see them along the way Ghost: ::tp > Dungeons > Taverly Dungeon > keep walking north until you find them Goblins: ::Lumbridge > go east over the bridge. Icefiends: ::Home > go south, just before barbarian village go west > when you reach the water altar go north a bit and then west again on the mountain > go up to the snow. Kalphites: ::tp > Bosses > Kalphite Queen. [WARNING!! Kalphite Queen can hit a lot!!] (you can kill the little ones or the Queen for the task.) Lizard: (Buy Ice coolers from a slayer master to kill them)::tp > Monsters > Dust Devils > walk east around the hill > go north through Pollnivneach > follow the river until you get to 2 bridges > go east over the bridge Minotaurs: ::tp > Dungeons > Stronghold of Security Monkeys: ::tp > Monsters > Harpie Bug Swarm > Walk a bit to the west > follow the river south. Rats: ::tp > Dungeons > Stronghold of Security Scorpions: ::Home2 > go east until you're out of Varrock > to south until you find the open gate towards al Kharid. walk south until you find the mining place. Skeletons: ::tp > Dungeons > Taverly Dungeon > walk north a bit. Spiders: ::tp > Dungeons > Edgeville Dungeon. Wolves: ::tp > Dungeons > Stronghold of Security Zombies: ::Edgedung > walk north. ```Krystila``` (wilderness tasks only) For this slayer Master i will refer you to my Wilderness Map Type this in game: ::thread 4785 or click the link. Ankous: Wilderness Surface Aviansies: Wilderness Surface Bandits: Wilderness Surface Bears: Wilderness Surface (you can also kill Callisto) Black Demons: Wilderness Slayer Cave Black Dragons: Does not Count. Black Knights: Wilderness Surface Bloodvelds: Wilderness Surface Chaos Druids: Wilderness Surface Dark Warriors: Wilderness Surface Earth Warriors: Edgeville Dungeon Wilderness part Ents: Wilderness Surface Fire Giants: There is no way to reach them Greater Demons: Wilderness Surface Green Dragons: Wilderness Surface Hellhounds: Wilderness Surface Hill Giants: Wilderness Surface Ice Giants: Wilderness Surface Ice Warriors: Wilderness Surface Lava Dragons: Wilderness Surface Lesser Demons: Wilderness Surface Magic Axes: Wilderness Surface Mammoths: Wilderness Surface Moss Giants: Wilderness Surface Pirates: No pirates Rogues: Wilderness Surface Scorpions: only Scorpia ::tp > Bosses > Scorpia Skeletons: Wilderness Surface Spiders: Only Venenatis ::tp > Bosses > Venenatis Spiritual Creatures: Wilderness Surface Zombies: Wilderness Surface ```Mazchna``` (Combal level 20 Required) Banshees: Click slayer skill > 3rd option > 1st floor just before the stairs to the 2nd floor. Bats: Click slayer skill > 3rd option > 1st floor right at the beginning. Bears: ::Ardougne > walk east and follow the path north. Catablepon: ::tp > Dungeons > Stronghold of Security > go trough the doors untill you find the ladder to the 3rd Level. Cave Bugs: ::tp > Dungeons > Lumbridge Swamp Cave Cave crawlers: ::tp > Dungeons > Fremennik Slayer Cave Cave slime: ::tp > Dungeons > Lumbridge Swamp Cave Cockatrice: (Dont need a Mirror Shield) ::tp > Dungeons > Femennik Slayer Dungeon > 3rd room Crawling Hands: Click the Slayer skill > 3rd option Dogs: (Take a hatchet!!) > ::tp > Dungeons > Brimhaven Dungeon > cut the vines > they walk around in this area. Earth Warriors: ::tp > Dungeons > Edgeville Dungeon > walk north then east trough the gate > go north in the wilderness part > walk past the highwaymen and skeletons > use the monkey bars. Flesh Crawlers: ::tp > Dungeons > Stronghold of Security > go trough the doors untill you find the ladder to the 2nd level. Ghost: ::tp > Dungeons > Taverly Dungeon > keep walking north until you find them Ghouls: ::tp > Monsters > Ghoul Field. Hill Giants: ::Edgedung Hobgoblins: ::Edgedung > walk north Ice Warriors: ::tp > Dungeons > Chaos Tunnels > use the portal next to the rope > walk south and take the East portal. Kalphites: ::tp > Bosses > Kalphite Queen. [WARNING!! Kalphite Queen can hit a lot!!] (you can kill the little ones or the Queen for the task.) Killerwatt: ::tp > Monsters > Killerwatts Lizard: (Buy Ice coolers from a slayer master to kill them)::tp > Monsters > Dust Devils > walk east around the hill > go north through Pollnivneach > follow the river until you get to 2 bridges > go east over the bridge Mogres: ::Falador > go east towards the bank > before the bank go south > keep walking south in a straight line, past Port Sarim, past the shed with the anvil > they are on the small island. Pyrefiends: ::tp > Dungeons > Fremennik Slayer Dungeon > Halfway in the Dungeon. Rockslugs: (Buy bags of salt from a slayer master to kill them) ::tp > Dungeons > Fremennik Dungeon > 2nd room. Scorpions: ::Home2 > go east until you're out of Varrock > to south until you find the open gate towards al Kharid. walk south until you find the mining place. Shades: ::tp > Dungeons > Kourend Catacombs > walk east then keep walking south. at the end go west. then at the end go north until you Skeletons: ::tp > Dungeons > Taverly Dungeon > walk north a bit. Vampyres: ::tob > walk north though the gap in the wall > keep walking north until you see yew trees, go east right before > keep walking east until you see them. Wolves: ::tp > Dungeons > Stronghold of Security ```Vannaka``` (Combat level 40 Required) Aberrant Spectres: Click slayer skill > Third option > 2nd floor - Middle room Abyssal Demons : Click slayer skill > 3rd option > They are on the top floor. Ankou: ::tp > Dungeons > Kourend Catacombs > walk east then keep walking south > at the end go west > walk past the Dagganoths. Banshees: Click slayer skill > 3rd option > 1st floor just before the stairs to the 2nd floor. Basilisks: ::tp > Dungeons > Fremennik slayer Dungeon > Halfway through the Dungeon. Bloodveld: Click slayer skill > Third option > 2nd floor - Middle room Blue Dragons: ::tp > Dungeons > Taverly Dungeon > go trough the pipe (you can also kill baby Blue Dragons for the task) Bronze Dragons: ::tp > Dungeons > Metal Dragons > walk north then east. Cave Bugs: ::tp > Dungeons > Lumbridge Swamp Cave Cave crawlers: ::tp > Dungeons > Fremennik Slayer Cave Cave slime: ::tp > Dungeons > Lumbridge Swamp Cave Cockatrice: (Dont need a Mirror Shield) ::tp > Dungeons > Femennik Slayer Dungeon > 3rd room Crawling Hands: Click the Slayer skill > 3rd option Crocodile: ::tp > Monsters > Dust Devils > walk east around the hill > go north through Pollnivneach > keep following the river until you get to 2 bridges > go over the bridge Dagannoth: ::tp > Dungeons > Kourend Catacombs > walk east then keep walking south. at the end go west. Dust Devils: ::tp > Monsters > Dust Devils Earth Warriors: ::tp > Dungeons > Edgeville Dungeon > walk north then east trough the gate > go north in the wilderness part > walk past the highwaymen and skeletons > use the monkey bars. Elves: ::tp > Monsters > Elves. Fever Spiders: ::tp > MOnsters > Fever Spiders. Fire Giants: (Take a hatchet!!) > ::tp > Dungeons > Metal Dragons > go north, then west > cut the 2 vines. Gargoyles: (Buy Rock Hammer from a slayer master to kill them) Click slayer skill > 3rd option > They are on the top floor. Ghouls: ::tp > Monsters > Ghoul Field. Green Dragons: ::tp > Dungeons > Ancient Cavern. Alt Location: [WILDERNESS!!] ::tp > Wilderness > West Dragons/East Dragons. Harpie Bug Swarm: ::tp > Monsters > Harpie Bug Swarm Hellhounds: ::Taverly > Crawl through the pipe > walk South > then past the demons and the poison spiders. Hill Giants: ::Edgedung Hobgoblins: ::Edgedung > walk north Ice Giants: ::tp > Dungeons > Chaos Tunnels > use the portal next to the rope > walk south and take the East portal. Ice Warriors: ::tp > Dungeons > Chaos Tunnels > use the portal next to the rope > walk south and take the East portal. Infernal Mages: Click slayer skill > Third option > 2nd floor - 1st room. Jellies: ::tp > Dungeons > Fremennik Slayer Dungeon > 4th room. Jungle Horrors: ::tp > Dungeons > Mos Le Harmless Dungeon. Kalphites: ::tp > Bosses > Kalphite Queen. [WARNING!! Kalphite Queen can hit a lot!!] (you can kill the little ones or the Queen for the task.) Killerwatt: ::tp > Monsters > Killerwatts Kurask: (buy a leaf-bladed weapon from the slayer master) ::tp > Fremennik Slayer Dungeon > at the end Lizard: (Buy Ice coolers from a slayer master to kill them)::tp > Monsters > Dust Devils > walk east around the hill > go north through Pollnivneach > follow the river until you get to 2 bridges > go east over the bridge Lesser Demons: ::tp > Dungeons > Taverly Dungeon. go through the pipe > walk east > go through the gate. Mogres: ::Falador > go east towards the bank > before the bank go south > keep walking south in a straight line, past Port Sarim, past the shed with the anvil > they are on the small island. Molanisk: ::tp > Dungeons > Dogesh Kaan Dungeon. Moss Giant: ::tp > Dungeons > Kourend Catacombs > go east. Nechryael: Click slayer skill > 3rd option > They are on the top floor. Ogres: ::gamble > walk to the east of the gamble area. Otherworldly Beings: Skip this task untll you have a slayer ring. Pyrefiends: ::tp > Dungeons > Fremennik Slayer Dungeon > Halfway in the Dungeon. Rockslugs: (Buy bags of salt from a slayer master to kill them) ::tp > Dungeons > Fremennik Dungeon > 2nd room. > Fremennik Dungeon > 2nd room. Shades: ::tp > Dungeons > Kourend Catacombs > walk east then keep walking south. at the end go west. then at the end go north until you Sea Snakes: ::tp > Monsters > Sea Snake Spiritual Creatures: ::tp > Bosses > Godwars. Terror Dogs: ::tp > Monsters > Terror Dogs. Trolls: ::tp > Minigames > Warriors Guild > walk out of the building on the east side > walk north, follow the road past the danger sign. Turoth: (buy a leaf-bladed weapon from the slayer master) ::tp > Fremennik Slayer Dungeon > almost at the end. Vampyres: ::tob > walk north though the gap in the wall > keep walking north until you see yew trees, go east right before > keep walking east until you see them. Werewolf: ::tp > Monsters > Ghoul Field > walk South-East into the town. ```Chaeldar``` (Combat level 70 Required) Aberrant Spectres: Click slayer skill > Third option > 2nd floor - Middle room Abyssal Demons : Click slayer skill > 3rd option > They are on the top floor. Aviansie: ::tp > Bosses > Godwars. Banshees: Click slayer skill > 3rd option > 1st floor just before the stairs to the 2nd floor. Basilisks: ::tp > Dungeons > Fremennik slayer Dungeon > Halfway through the Dungeon. Black Demons: ::tp > Dungeons > Metal Dragons > walk north. Bloodveld: Click slayer skill > Third option > 2nd floor - Middle room Blue Dragons: ::tp > Dungeons > Taverly Dungeon > go trough the pipe (you can also kill baby Blue Dragons for the task) Bronze Dragons: ::tp > Dungeons > Metal Dragons > walk north then east. Cave crawlers: ::tp > Dungeons > Fremennik Slayer Cave Cave Horrors: ::tp > Dungeons > Mos Le Harmless Dungeon > enter the cave. Cave Kraken: ::kraken (only the boss gives you progress in the task) Cave slime: ::tp > Dungeons > Lumbridge Swamp Cave Cockatrice: (Dont need a Mirror Shield) ::tp > Dungeons > Femennik Slayer Dungeon > 3rd room Dagannoth: ::tp > Dungeons > Kourend Catacombs > walk east then keep walking south. at the end go west. Dust Devils: ::tp > Monsters > Dust Devils Elves: ::tp > Monsters > Elves. Fever Spiders: ::tp > MOnsters > Fever Spiders. Fire Giants: (Take a hatchet!!) > ::tp > Dungeons > Metal Dragons > go north, then west > cut the 2 vines. Gargoyles: (Buy Rock Hammer from a slayer master to kill them) Click slayer skill > 3rd option > They are on the top floor. Greater Demons: ::tp > Dungeons > Brimhaven Dungeon > walk west, past the moss giants and go up the stairs to the south. Harpie Bug Swarm: ::tp > Monsters > Harpie Bug Swarm Hellhounds: ::Taverly > Crawl through the pipe > walk South > then past the demons and the poison spiders. Infernal Mages: Click slayer skill > Third option > 2nd floor - 1st room. Iron Dragon: ::tp > Dungeons > Metal Dragons. Jellies: ::tp > Dungeons > Fremennik Slayer Dungeon > 4th room. Jungle Horrors: ::tp > Dungeons > Mos Le Harmless Dungeon. Kalphites: ::tp > Bosses > Kalphite Queen. [WARNING!! Kalphite Queen can hit a lot!!] (you can kill the little ones or the Queen for the task.) Kurask: (buy a leaf-bladed weapon from the slayer master) ::tp > Fremennik Slayer Dungeon > at the end Lesser Demons: ::tp > Dungeons > Taverly Dungeon. go through the pipe > walk east > go through the gate. Lizard: (Buy Ice coolers from a slayer master to kill them)::tp > Monsters > Dust Devils > walk east around the hill > go north through Pollnivneach > follow the river until you get to 2 bridges > go east over the bridge Lizardmen: ::raids > walk south until you find a bridge > cross the bridge. Mogres: ::Falador > go east towards the bank > before the bank go south > keep walking south in a straight line, past Port Sarim, past the shed with the anvil > they are on the small island. Mutated Zygomites: Skip this task until you have a slayer ring. Nechryael: Click slayer skill > 3rd option > They are on the top floor. Pyrefiends: ::tp > Dungeons > Fremennik Slayer Dungeon > Halfway in the Dungeon. Rockslugs: (Buy bags of salt from a slayer master to kill them) ::tp > Dungeons > Fremennik Dungeon > 2nd room. > Fremennik Dungeon > 2nd room. Spiritual Creatures: ::tp > Bosses > Godwars. Skeletal Wyverns: [WARNING!! this Monster can hit very high] ::tp > Bosses > Glacor cave > go trough the cave in the south. Steel Dragon: ::tp > Dungeons > Metal Dragons. Trolls: ::tp > Minigames > Warriors Guild > walk out of the building on the east side > walk north, follow the road past the danger sign. Turoth: (buy a leaf-bladed weapon from the slayer master) ::tp > Fremennik Slayer Dungeon > almost at the end. TzHaar: ::tp > Minigames > fight caves. Vampyres: ::tob > walk north though the gap in the wall > keep walking north until you see yew trees, go east right before > keep walking east until you see them. Wyrm: Click slayer skill > 4th option > climb over the western rocks. DO NOT USE KONAR QUO MATEN AS A SLAYER MASTER, THIS NPC IS CURRENTLY BUGGED AND YOU CAN'T CHANGE MASTER AFTER OBTAINING A TASK ```Konar quo Maten``` (Combat level 75 Required) (Konar gives tasks which you have to kill on the spot Konar tells you) Aberrant Spectres: Click slayer skill > Third option > 2nd floor - Middle room Abyssal Demons: Click slayer skill > 3rd option > They are on the top floor. Ankou: ::tp > Dungeons > Kourend Catacombs > walk east then keep walking south > at the end go west > walk past the Dagganoths. Aviansie: ::tp > Bosses > Godwars. Black Demons: ::tp > Dungeons > Metal Dragons > walk north. Black Dragons: ::Taverly > walk north a bit > on the west side there is some rubble steps to climb up on. Bloodveld: Click slayer skill > click the ladder to the basement at the start. Blue Dragons: ::tp > Dungeons > Taverly Dungeon > go trough the pipe (you can also kill baby Blue Dragons for the task) Bronze Dragons: ::tp > Dungeons > Metal Dragons > walk north then east. Cave Kraken: ::kraken (only the boss gives you progress in the task) Dagannoth: Skip this task until you have a slayer ring. Dark Beasts: ::tp > Dungeons > Kourend Catacombs > go South > then West past the hill giants and fire giants > then go North. Drakes: Click slayer skill > 4th option > climb obstacle to the east > up the stairs > go north Dust Devils: ::tp > Dungeons > Kourend Catacombs > walk east past the moss giant > go south east past the moss giants. Fire GIants: (Take a hatchet!!) > ::tp > Dungeons > Metal Dragons > go north, then west > cut the 2 vines Gargoyles: (buy a Rock hammer from the slayer shop beforehand, you'll need to use this when the gargoyle is at low hp. otherwise you can't kill it) Click slayer skill > 3rd option > They are on the top floor. Greater Demons: ::tp > Dungeons > Brimhaven Dungeon > walk west, past the moss giants and go up the stairs to the south. Hellhounds: ::Taverly > Crawl through the pipe > walk South > then past the demons and the poison spiders. Hydras: Click Slayer skill > 4th option > Jump over the wall to the north. Iron Dragons: ::tp > Dungeons > Metal Dragons. Jellies: ::tp > Dungeons > Fremennik Slayer Dungeon > Almost at the end. Kalphite: Does not count towards the task. Kurask: (buy a leaf-bladed weapon from the slayer master) ::tp > Fremennik Slayer Dungeon > at the end Lizardmen: ::raids > walk south until you find a bridge > cross the bridge. Mithril Dragons: ::tp > Dungeons > Ancient Cavern > Walk east past the Lost Barbarians > To the east of them are some stairs > Climb up the stairs Mutated Zygomites: Does not count towards the task. Nechryael: Click slayer skill > 3rd option > They are on the top floor. Red Dragons: (Take a hatchet!!) > ::tp > Dungeons > Brimhaven Dungeon > cut the vines > go east (the first passage), go over the stepping stones Skeletal Wyverns: [WARNING!! this Monster can hit very high] ::tp > Bosses > Glacor cave > go trough the cave in the south. Smoke Devils: Doesn't count towards the task. Steel Dragons: ::tp > Dungeons > Metal Dragons. Trolls: Doesn't count towards the task. Turoth: (buy a leaf-bladed weapon from the slayer master) ::tp > Fremennik Slayer Dungeon > almost at the end. Vampyre: ::tob > walk north though the gap in the wall > keep walking north until you see yew trees, go east right before > keep Walking east until you see them. Waterfiends: ::tp > Dungeons > Ancient Cavern > walk north-west. Wyrms: Click slayer skill > 4th option > climb over the western rocks. ```Nieve``` (Combat level 85 Required) Aberrant Spectres: Click slayer skill > Third option > 2nd floor - Middle room Abyssal Demons : Click slayer skill > 3rd option > They are on the top floor. Ankou: ::tp > Dungeons > Kourend Catacombs > walk east then keep walking south > at the end go west > walk past the Dagganoths. Aviansie: ::tp > Bosses > Godwars. Basilisks: ::tp > Dungeons > Fremennik slayer Dungeon > Halfway through the Dungeon. Black Demons: ::tp > Dungeons > Metal Dragons > walk north. Black Dragons: ::Taverly > walk north a bit > on the west side there is some rubble steps to climb up on. Bloodveld: Click slayer skill > Third option > 2nd floor - Middle room Blue Dragons: ::tp > Dungeons > Taverly Dungeon > go trough the pipe (you can also kill baby Blue Dragons for the task) Cave Horrors: ::tp > Dungeons > Mos Le Harmless Dungeon > enter the cave. Cave Kraken: ::kraken (only the boss gives you progress in the task) Dagannoth: ::tp > Dungeons > Kourend Catacombs > walk east then keep walking south. at the end go west. Dark Beasts: ::Darkbeast Drakes: Click slayer skill > 4th option > climb obstacle to the east > up the stairs > go north Dust Devils: ::tp > Monsters > Dust Devils Elves: ::tp > Monsters > Elves. Fire Giants: (Take a hatchet!!) > ::tp > Dungeons > Metal Dragons > go north, then west > cut the 2 vines. Gargoyles: (Buy Rock Hammer from a slayer master to kill them) Click slayer skill > 3rd option > They are on the top floor. Greater Demons: ::tp > Dungeons > Brimhaven Dungeon > walk west, past the moss giants and go up the stairs to the south. Hellhounds: ::Taverly > Crawl through the pipe > walk South > then past the demons and the poison spiders. Iron Dragon: ::tp > Dungeons > Metal Dragons. Kalphites: ::tp > Bosses > Kalphite Queen. [WARNING!! Kalphite Queen can hit a lot!!] (you can kill the little ones or the Queen for the task.) Kurask: (buy a leaf-bladed weapon from the slayer master) ::tp > Fremennik Slayer Dungeon > at the end Lizardmen: ::raids > walk south until you find a bridge > cross the bridge. Mithril Dragons ::tp > Dungeons > Ancient Cavern > Walk east past the Lost Barbarians > To the east of them are some stairs > Climb up the stairs Mutated Zygomites: Skip this task until you have a slayer ring. Nechryael: Click slayer skill > 3rd option > They are on the top floor. Pyrefiends: ::tp > Dungeons > Fremennik Slayer Dungeon > Halfway in the Dungeon. Red Dragons: (Take a hatchet!!) > ::tp > Dungeons > Brimhaven Dungeon > cut the vines > go South/East (the first passage), go over the stepping stones Skeletal Wyverns: [WARNING!! this Monster can hit very high] ::tp > Bosses > Glacor cave > go trough the cave in the south. Smoke Devils: ::gamble > walk to the south of castle wars > enter the cave. Spiritual Creatures: ::tp > Bosses > Godwars. Steel Dragon: ::tp > Dungeons > Metal Dragons. Suqah: ::tp > Monsters > Suqah Trolls: ::tp > Minigames > Warriors Guild > walk out of the building on the east side > walk north, follow the road past the danger sign. Turoth: (buy a leaf-bladed weapon from the slayer master) ::tp > Fremennik Slayer Dungeon > almost at the end. TzHaar: ::tp > Minigames > fight caves. Vampyres: ::tob > walk north though the gap in the wall > keep walking north until you see yew trees, go east right before > keep walking east until you see them. Wyrm: Click slayer skill > 4th option > climb over the western rocks. ```Duradel``` (Combat level 100 & 50 Slayer Required) Aberrant Spectres: Click slayer skill > Third option > 2nd floor - Middle room Abyssal Demons : Click slayer skill > 3rd option > They are on the top floor. Ankou: ::tp > Dungeons > Kourend Catacombs > walk east then keep walking south > at the end go west > walk past the Dagganoths. Aviansie: ::tp > Bosses > Godwars. Basilisks: ::tp > Dungeons > Fremennik slayer Dungeon > Halfway through the Dungeon. Black Demons: ::tp > Dungeons > Metal Dragons > walk north. Black Dragons: ::Taverly > walk north a bit > on the west side there is some rubble steps to climb up on. Bloodveld: Click slayer skill > Third option > 2nd floor - Middle room Blue Dragons: ::tp > Dungeons > Taverly Dungeon > go trough the pipe (you can also kill baby Blue Dragons for the task) Cave Horrors: ::tp > Dungeons > Mos Le Harmless Dungeon > enter the cave. Cave Kraken: ::kraken (only the boss gives you progress in the task) Dagannoth: ::tp > Dungeons > Kourend Catacombs > walk east then keep walking south. at the end go west. Dark Beasts: ::Darkbeast Drakes: Click slayer skill > 4th option > climb obstacle to the east > up the stairs > go north Dust Devils: ::tp > Monsters > Dust Devils Elves: ::tp > Monsters > Elves. Fire Giants: (Take a hatchet!!) > ::tp > Dungeons > Metal Dragons > go north, then west > cut the 2 vines. Gargoyles: (Buy Rock Hammer from a slayer master to kill them) Click slayer skill > 3rd option > They are on the top floor. Greater Demons: ::tp > Dungeons > Brimhaven Dungeon > walk west, past the moss giants and go up the stairs to the south. Hellhounds: ::Taverly > Crawl through the pipe > walk South > then past the demons and the poison spiders. Iron Dragon: ::tp > Dungeons > Metal Dragons. Kalphites: ::tp > Bosses > Kalphite Queen. [WARNING!! Kalphite Queen can hit a lot!!] (you can kill the little ones or the Queen for the task.) Kurask: (buy a leaf-bladed weapon from the slayer master) ::tp > Fremennik Slayer Dungeon > at the end Lizardmen: ::raids > walk south until you find a bridge > cross the bridge. Mithril Dragons ::tp > Dungeons > Ancient Cavern > Walk east past the Lost Barbarians > To the east of them are some stairs > Climb up the stairs Mutated Zygomites: Skip this task until you have a slayer ring. Nechryael: Click slayer skill > 3rd option > They are on the top floor. Red Dragons: (Take a hatchet!!) > ::tp > Dungeons > Brimhaven Dungeon > cut the vines > go South/East (the first passage), go over the stepping stones Skeletal Wyverns: [WARNING!! this Monster can hit very high] ::tp > Bosses > Glacor cave > go trough the cave in the south. Smoke Devils: ::gamble > walk to the south of castle wars > enter the cave. Spiritual Creatures: ::tp > Bosses > Godwars. Steel Dragon: ::tp > Dungeons > Metal Dragons. Suqah: ::tp > Monsters > Suqah Trolls: ::tp > Minigames > Warriors Guild > walk out of the building on the east side > walk north, follow the road past the danger sign. TzHaar: ::tp > Minigames > fight caves. Vampyres: ::tob > walk north though the gap in the wall > keep walking north until you see yew trees, go east right before > keep walking east until you see them. Waterfiends: ::tp > Dungeons > Ancient Cavern. Wyrm: Click slayer skill > 4th option > climb over the western rocks. ```Kuradal``` (Combat level 110 & 75 Slayer Required) Aberrant Spectres: Click slayer skill > Third option > 2nd floor - Middle room Abyssal Demons : Click slayer skill > 3rd option > They are on the top floor. Aviansie: ::tp > Bosses > Godwars. Black Demons: ::tp > Dungeons > Metal Dragons > walk north. Black Dragons: ::Taverly > walk north a bit > on the west side there is some rubble steps to climb up on. Bloodveld: Click slayer skill > Third option > 2nd floor - Middle room Blue Dragons: ::tp > Dungeons > Taverly Dungeon > go trough the pipe (you can also kill baby Blue Dragons for the task) Dagannoth: ::tp > Dungeons > Kourend Catacombs > walk east then keep walking south. at the end go west. Dark Beasts: ::Darkbeast Desert Strykewyrms: ::tp > Dungeons > Strykewyrm Dungeon. Dust Devils: ::tp > Monsters > Dust Devils Elves: ::tp > Monsters > Elves. Fire Giants: (Take a hatchet!!) > ::tp > Dungeons > Metal Dragons > go north, then west > cut the 2 vines. Gargoyles: (Buy Rock Hammer from a slayer master to kill them) Click slayer skill > 3rd option > They are on the top floor. Glacors: ::tp > Bosses > Glacors Cave. Greater Demons: ::tp > Dungeons > Brimhaven Dungeon > walk west, past the moss giants and go up the stairs to the south. Hellhounds: ::Taverly > Crawl through the pipe > walk South > then past the demons and the poison spiders. Ice Strykewyrms: ::tp > Dungeons > Strykewyrm Dungeon. Iron Dragon: ::tp > Dungeons > Metal Dragons. Jungle strykewyrms: ::tp > Dungeons > Strykewyrm Dungeon. Kalphites: ::tp > Bosses > Kalphite Queen. [WARNING!! Kalphite Queen can hit a lot!!] (you can kill the little ones or the Queen for the task.) Mithril Dragons ::tp > Dungeons > Ancient Cavern > Walk east past the Lost Barbarians > To the east of them are some stairs > Climb up the stairs Nechryael: Click slayer skill > 3rd option > They are on the top floor. Skeletal Wyverns: [WARNING!! this Monster can hit very high] ::tp > Bosses > Glacor cave > go trough the cave in the south. Smoke Devils: ::gamble > walk to the south of castle wars > enter the cave. Steel Dragon: ::tp > Dungeons > Metal Dragons. Suqah: ::tp > Monsters > Suqah Terror Dogs: ::tp > Monsters > Terror Dogs. ```Sumona``` (Slayer Level 92 Required) Aberrant Spectres: Click slayer skill > Third option > 2nd floor - Middle room Abyssal Demons : Click slayer skill > 3rd option > They are on the top floor. Aquanites: ::tp > Dungeons > Fremennik Slayer Dungeon > Last room, up the stairs in the Kurask room. Aviansie: ::tp > Bosses > Godwars. Banshees: Click slayer skill > 3rd option > 1st floor just before the stairs to the 2nd floor. Basilisks: ::tp > Dungeons > Fremennik slayer Dungeon > Halfway through the Dungeon. Black Demons: ::tp > Dungeons > Metal Dragons > walk north. Bloodveld: Click slayer skill > Third option > 2nd floor - Middle room Blue Dragons: ::tp > Dungeons > Taverly Dungeon > go trough the pipe (you can also kill baby Blue Dragons for the task) Cave crawlers: ::tp > Dungeons > Fremennik Slayer Cave Cave Horrors: ::tp > Dungeons > Mos Le Harmless Dungeon > enter the cave. Dagannoth: ::tp > Dungeons > Kourend Catacombs > walk east then keep walking south. at the end go west. Desert Strykewyrms: ::tp > Dungeons > Strykewyrm Dungeon. Dust Devils: ::tp > Monsters > Dust Devils Elves: ::tp > Monsters > Elves. Fire Giants: (Take a hatchet!!) > ::tp > Dungeons > Metal Dragons > go north, then west > cut the 2 vines. Gargoyles: (Buy Rock Hammer from a slayer master to kill them) Click slayer skill > 3rd option > They are on the top floor. Greater Demons: ::tp > Dungeons > Brimhaven Dungeon > walk west, past the moss giants and go up the stairs to the south. Hellhounds: ::Taverly > Crawl through the pipe > walk South > then past the demons and the poison spiders. Iron Dragon: ::tp > Dungeons > Metal Dragons. Jungle strykewyrms: ::tp > Dungeons > Strykewyrm Dungeon. Kalphites: ::tp > Bosses > Kalphite Queen. [WARNING!! Kalphite Queen can hit a lot!!] (you can kill the little ones or the Queen for the task.) Kurask: (buy a leaf-bladed weapon from the slayer master) ::tp > Fremennik Slayer Dungeon > at the end Nechryael: Click slayer skill > 3rd option > They are on the top floor. Red Dragons: (Take a hatchet!!) > ::tp > Dungeons > Brimhaven Dungeon > cut the vines > go South/East (the first passage), go over the stepping stones Smoke Devils: ::gamble > walk to the south of castle wars > enter the cave. Terror Dogs: ::tp > Monsters > Terror Dogs. Bosses: You can unlock these bosses with the ''Like a Boss'' slayer reward. (these rewards disappear randomly at the moment!!) [WARNING!! These bosses and Their minions can easily kill you without the right preparations!!] Alchemical Hydra: ::Hydra Krakens: ::Kraken Vorkath: ::Vorkath Barrows: ::Barrows Chaos Elemental: ::tp > Bosses > Chaos Elemental [This is in deep wilderness!!] Saradomin: ::tp > Bosses > Godwars > walk East > go trough the teleports > get 20 Sara KC to enter the boss room (free for silver donors) Zamorak: ::tp > Bosses > Godwars > walk North > Swim across the ice bridge > get 20 Zamorak KC to enter the boss room (free for silver donors) Armadyl: (take a Mith Grapple from Explorer jack at ::shops) ::tp > Bosses > Godwars > Walk South and click on the pillar > get 20 Arma KC to enter the boss room (free for silver donors) Bandos: (take a hammer with you!) ::tp > Bosses > Godwars > Go to the western door. get 20 Bandos KC to enter the boss room (free for silver donors) Dagannoth Kings: ::tp > Bosses > Dagannoth Kings Giant Mole: ::tp > Bosses > Giant Mole Kalphite Queen: ::tp > Bosses > Kalphite Queen King Black Dragon: ::tp > Bosses > King Black Dragon Desert Strykewyrms: ::tp > Dungeons > Strykewyrm Dungeon. Ice Strykewyrms: ::tp > Dungeons > Strykewyrm Dungeon. Jungle strykewyrms: ::tp > Dungeons > Strykewyrm Dungeon. Glacors: ::tp > Bosses > Glacors Cave Abyssal Sire: ::tp > Bosses > Abyssal Sire Zulrah: ::tp > Bosses > Zulrah Let me know if I should change anything about the layout or colors I've used. Also, if there is any faster route, please let me know. Special thanks to @ Virraz , @ Lausac , @ Miller , @ Ntho💛 , @ Deezus , @ Clay Huge thanks to @ copskillcows for helping me throughout the making of this guide. Thanks to @ R M B T for suggesting this guide. Also thanks to everyone who refers people to this thread for help!! ( ::Thread 5009 )
  11. Here is a map that shows all locations of every boss and monster in the wilderness. Click the map for better quality. Here is a Wilderness Slayer Cave map Check out the red quest tab for the current locations of Galvek and Wildywyrm. Let me know if there is anything else i can add to this map. any feedback is welcome. Enjoy ❤️ Special thanks to @ Minion , @ copskillcows for helping me out with some locations and info. And thanks to @ 2incher for his guide on the wilderness bosses and clue scroll locations.
  12. Hello everyone, in this guide I will show you how to complete the 2021 Easter Server Event step by step. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- To start this event, you will need to speak to the Easter Bunny which is North of Edgeville Bank. Offer to help him out and follow the steps below to complete (Doesn't have to be in order). Step 1 - Teleport to the Gnome Agility which can be accessed through the skills tab. Once you've done this, run NORTH until you get towards the Grand Tree. Step 2 - Teleport to the Wilderness Agility course OR teleport to ::mb and pull the leaver (WARNING- This is in the Wilderness and could potentially lose items if you die by a PKer). Make sure to bring a slash weapon to cut through the cobwebs. Once you've done this, run EAST until you come towards the Wilderness Resource Center. You can find the Eggs in the center. Step 3 - Teleport to ::lumbridge or ::cows and then run NORTH until you get to the crossroad. Once there, run EAST and then turn SOUTH immediately to enter Al-Kharid and follow the fence until you come across the eggs. Step 4 - Type ::tob and look in the NORTH-EAST corner hiding away. (You might not be able to see this in fixed screen/resolution). Step 5 - Enter the Inferno minigame and run SOUTH-EAST to the corner. Don't Worry about the inferno hitting you as you have approx. 10-15 seconds until it attacks. Step 6 - Final Step, type ::specialevent to find the last bunch of eggs. That's now everything! Now you have collected all 6 eggs that are hidden around the server, revisit the Easter Bunny and you will be rewarded a Giant Easter Egg and an Easter egg to give to the Easter Bunny Jr which can be found outside from Edgeville Bank. If you have any issues with any steps which are above, please PM me in game and I will assist you If this guide has helped you, please give it a thumbs up RMBT
  13. [!] SIMPLICITY.ORG Nightmare Guide [!] - Solo Guide by [ RIGHT WAY ] NOTE: GUIDE WILL WORK FOR SOLO AND/OR TEAMS Recommended Inventory: GEAR SETUP - RANGE NOTE: THIS GEAR CAN BE MODIFIED TO YOUR NEEDS; HOWEVER I RECOMMEND USING A SIMILAR SETUP FULL SAGITTARIAN ARMOUR + LIGHT TWISTED BOW GEAR SETUP - MAGIC FULL ANCESTRAL + SANG X STAFF GEAR SETUP - MELEE FULL SACRED CLAY ARMOUR + SCYTH OF VITUR X ANY THREE OF THESE SETUPS WORK; HOWEVER ANY SETUP WORKS AS LONG AS YOUR PRAYER SWITCHES ARE GOOD NIGHTMARE DROPS ::monsterdrop Nightmare Okay so lets get started BEFORE YOU BEGIN MAKE SURE YOU ARE ON THE REGULAR PRAYER BOOK USE ::prayer to switch before you start the fight When you spawn in the nightmare takes about a minute to rise and you can begin your battle The first thing you should do is overload and heal up make sure you are full health. The Nightmare can constantly hit 40+ if not switched to the correct prayer The Nightmare has 3 waves. You will have to, Fight the Nightmare 3 times and Attack the 4 pillars of light after each time you fight the Nightmare. The Nightmare has several special attacks you have to be aware of and you will constantly be switching prayers between your protect from range prayer and protect from magic prayer In the picture below you will see 2 of the attacks the Nightmare attacks with during the first fight with the nightmare When the nightmare spins and spits out red splatter make sure to protect from magic When the nightmare turns slow then spins around shooting a dart switch to protect from range If the nightmare spawns 4 rows of flowers; IF YOU ARE NOT IN BETWEEN THE 2 ROWS OF WHITE FLOWERS STOP ATTACKING; any damaged dealt to nightmare will heal the nightmare After you deal 24000 damage to The Nightmare you can start attacking the 4 corner pillars of light Another attack the nightmare uses in the picture below Make sure to avoid the black spirals they can deal large amounts of damage if you are standing on one, simply click and move off the square AT ANYPOINT THE NIGHTMARE CAN SPAWN IN MINIONS (HURKS) THAT MELEE THEY DONT HIT LOTS BUT WILL FREEZE YOU SO KILL THEM OFF AND YOU WILL BE UNFROZEN After you have dealt 24000 damage to the nightmare; you must attack all 4 pillars of light until the bar in the top Left hand corner is full After the pillars are defeated the nightmare will prepare a devastating attack, its best to have full health at this point if not already. The nightmare has a special attack where your screen turns pink; The boss will switch your prayer on you this only usually happens in the second or third waves The nightmare has a special attack where he goes running across the screen, this does not deal any damage The Nightmare has another minion it can spawn, it will infect you with a parasite spawning in a bug that can heal the nightmare. It's best to kill this parasite as soon as it spawns During the third wave the nightmare will spawn poison spores, when you run into them they will deal small amounts of damage After dealing 24000 damage to the nightmare 3 times and dealing all the damage to all the pillars three times, The Nightmare Will Die! CONGRATULATIONS YOU HAVE KILLED THE NIGHTMARE! There may be alternative methods to defeating the nightmare, such as standing under the nightmare and using protect melee during the pillar of light phases, and possibly things I missed in this guide. Feel free to comment below with any extra tips or pictures to help out this guide. Thank you . Right Way
  14. One of, if not the most, commonly asked questions in the Help Clan Chat is what the cost of certain items are or if there's a price guide on the forums. Now we, as staff and the community, are more than happy to help answer these questions and guide people in the right direction but I'm hoping this will assist you a little bit further than that as well! Firstly, I agree that a "price guide" would be an amazing addition but unfortunately prices would fluctuate far too much and often to write down any sort of specific numbers defeating the purpose and would cause too much confusion in the long run. Step 1: Determine if the item is junk or not. As with most loot based games a healthy portion of drops don't serve an important purpose other than that satisfaction of getting the drop itself and looking pretty in large stacks in your bank. There's far too many to list but I'll put some common examples below. Junk items tend to accumulate in large quantities at ::shops and is where you'll end up selling it anyways. Scythe Sharpener - Diamond Roots - Fenris Pelt - Ana in a Barrel - Long Sharp Claws - Rock Cab Caracas - Whiteberry Seeds - Evil Turnip - Mole Skin Step 2: Find the item in the POS (Player Owned Shops). This is going to be your best friend for getting an idea on the value of an item. The NPCs to access the POS are located at ::home inside of the bank. Right click the POS NPC and select View Shops Using the search bar type the name of the item in Click on the players shops on the right hand side View the cheapest listings (top of list) to get an idea of value Click on the items to display the prices in the chat window Note: The search bar can be picky i.e. using apostrophes and the more specific and accurate of a name you type, the better the results will be. Step 3: Determining the accuracy of the listed prices. Now if we've made it this far and determined the item isn't junk and price justifies selling it ourselves on the POS instead of to the shop keeper at ::shops we can check a few more things to ensure the accuracy of the prices in the POS. See if there's a few or a lot of the item available throughout the various players shops. Continue looking through the shops and see how closely priced the items between different people are. If one person has a hoard of the item in question. From those we can determine if a lot of people are selling / buying by how many and how closely they are priced. If one person has a hoard of the item, they may be collecting them, buying out all of the ones cheaper to resell it themselves, or simply saving them for later. If one is significantly cheaper than the rest, they may be trying to dump the item quickly under what it's really worth so don't short yourself either! Step 4: Listing the Item for sale on your Player Shop. Right clicking the NPC and selecting My Shop will open the window where you can then add items. When adding an item it will prompt you to type in the value you wish to list the item at. I.E. Putting in an item for 26B, type "26B" and it will add it to your store for that amount. The POS does take a %3 convenience fee to pay all of the hard working NPCs in Simplicity. TL;DR Step 1: Is the item junk? If yes, throw it in your bank or sell it to ::shops Step 2: If it's not junk then check the POS to see what others sell the item for. Step 3: Determine if the listed prices are reasonable or not by looking at how many there are for sale and how closely priced each player has listed them for. Step 4: Sell your in your own POS and/or ::yell a message for other players to see. Useful Tips/Info: If there's almost none for sale it can mean it's super junk OR it's super rare. When in doubt ask the Help CC. If the cheapest item is much lower than the rest, that person is probably undercutting to get a quick sale. This is a possible merching opportunity for you to buy it and sell it for more. If you want a quick sale you can list the price lower than everyone else so yours appears first on the list. If you're farming a boss or other monster and you plan on selling a lot of an item don't undercut others to avoid driving the price too far down and hurting yourself in the long run. Typing 10B when listing an item for sale is much easier than typing 10,000,000,000 Some items may be a bit wonky like the Old Key from hydra is listed as Stone Key. To see your recent POS history and sales try relogging to allow it to update. Sometimes an item is worth more to ::shops than in the POS. I.E. Ranger boots sell to shops for 1.9M! Claim your earnings by right clicking POS NPC and gold will be added to your pouch.
  15. 1-99 Prayer !!! If this guide helps you drop a reaction or comment !!! The first step on your journey to 99 Prayer is going to be clicking on the Prayer skill to be teleported to the training area located just outside of ::shops and north of the ::home tele. Presets Presets are going to be your best friend training any skills near a bank booth or that requires a variety of items. This will speed up leveling time tremendously. In this example, we use a full inventory of Superior Dragon Bones (The Best Prayer XP in Simplicity). The preset allows us to instantly fill our inventory back up with a single click. To use these bones with the altar, simply right click on the item from your inventory. Select the 'use' option and then left-click on the altar. This will then load a prompt over the chat box allowing you to select how many you would like to use. When going for 99 it will be easiest to leave 'All' selected. Once you use all of the bones from your inventory re-load your preset and rinse and repeat. Best XP Rates This list will be XP rates from best to worst in Simplicity with any relevant notes for each item. 1. Superior Dragon Bones These can be obtained from Kurasks, Demonic Gorillas, Long-Tailed Wyverns, Ancient Wyverns, Dawn, Porazdir, Vorkath, and the wildly mini-boss Workath. Workath drops 3 noted Superior Dragon Bones %100 of the but is located in the deep wildly mage arena. 2. Frost Dragon Bones Dropped from Frost Dragons and Lava Dragons 1 at a time we do have several NPCs that have a chance to drop multiple Frost Dragon bones in noted form at a 1/850 rate. Galvek, Tekton, Muhammad Ali event, Warmonger, Crystal Ankou, WildyWyrm, Callisto, and the Maiden Completionist zone Boss. 3. Hydra Bones The third best Prayer XP in simplicity. Hydra is one of the most farmed bosses in the current state of the game and Hydra Bones can be plentiful. Compare prices if buying from the POS or other players to Superior Dragon to ensure the most value for your GP. 4. Dagannoth Bones These will be dropped from the 3 Dagannoth, Prime, Supreme, and Rex. Even those these are the second best bones to use, these NPCs are not commonly farmed and only drop 1 bone at a time. Using/farming Superior Dragon bones or other options will prove more efficient. 5. Dragon Bones If you can't get your hands on the bones listed above regular dragon bones are great XP to train prayer on a budget. You can use the command in-game ::findmonster 'item name' to search for any bones or items to see what NPCs drop them, how many, and at what rates. Brawling Gloves Brawling Gloves will grant you bonus XP in their respective skills and for Prayer we would be using the (prayer) variant to maximize our potential XP. These gloves can be purchased with prestige points for many skills from Max, an NPC located in ::edge / ::home bank or ::home2 next to the bank stalls. !!! If this guide helps you drop a reaction or comment !!!
  16. 1-99 Firemaking !!! If this guide helps you drop a reaction or comment !!! The first step on your journey to 99 firemaking is going to be clicking on the firemaking skill to be teleported to the training area. Skilling Area Skilling NPC You can then talk to the NPC Ignatius Vulcan to purchase logs or a tinderbox directly from him. Level Requirements: Regular Logs - 1 Oak - 15 Willow - 30 Maple - 45 Yew - 60 Magic - 75 To level the firemaking skill as quickly as possible, simply burn the highest level requirement logs available. To maximize XP gains, we suggest training woodcutting prior to filmmaking, saving the logs, and then following this strategy. DONATOR TIP: In the donor zone / ::di there is a fire that never goes out 🙂 AFK XP The Evil Tree is will periodically change locations through-out Simplicity. To find it's location you can check under the quest tab or simply type ::tree into the chatbox and you'll be notified where it's currently hiding. The reason the evil tree is useful to firemaking is the kindling you receive from cutting the tree stacks and can be used for easy afk firemaking experience. The xp is between that of Yew and Magic. Brawling Gloves (FM) Brawling Gloves will grant you bonus XP in their respective skills and for firemaking we would be using the (FM) variant to maximize our potential XP. These gloves can be purchased with prestige points for many skills from Max, an NPC located in ::edge / ::home bank or ::home2 next to the bank stalls. Inferno Adze The Inferno Adze has a chance to burn logs as you cut threes granting firemaking XP and is a great choice to use while leveling. Inferno Adze is not trade-able but can be purchased from the Mining Expert for 350 Stardust which is trade-able. To get to the Mining expert simply click the smithing skill to be teleported to where he's located. Welcome to 99 firemaking! !!! If this guide helps you drop a reaction or comment !!!
  17. 1-99 Mining !!! If this guide helps you drop a reaction or comment !!! The first step on your journey to 99 Mining is going to be clicking on the Mining skill to be teleported to the training area / mining guild. From here you can purchase a pickaxe from the Mining Instructor. Leveling Levels 1-15 From level 1 to 15 mine copper or Tin Ore. Levels 15-40 From level 15 to level 40 mine, Iron Ore. Level 40-55 Mine Gold Ore until Level 55 Level 55+ Option 1: Mine Mithril Ore until level 80 for Star Dust Option 2: Mine Mithril Ore until level 85 for Rune Ore . Adamant Ore is less XP per hour due to the time to mine Pick Axes The general, and maybe obvious, rule of thumb is to you use the best pickaxe you can. After rune a good next step, especially if you're going to be going for 99 wood cutting and firemaking, will be purchasing the Inferno Adze (350 Star Dust) from the Mining Expert at the mining guild. You can teleport directly there by clicking the smithing skill. The best in slot pickaxe will be 3rd Age (1,000 Star Dust), also acquired from the Mining Expert. Brawling Gloves Brawling Gloves will grant you bonus XP in their respective skills and for Mining we would be using the (mining) variant to maximize our potential XP. These gloves can be purchased with prestige points for many skills from Max, an NPC located in ::edge / ::home bank or ::home2 next to the bank stalls. Star Dust Star Dust is a stackable resource and is acquired by mining the fallen star. The fallen star will change locations after being depleted and reappears after about 30 minutes similar to the Evil Tree. To see the Fallen Stars location you can type ::star in the chat. The game will respond with its location or you can also check from within in the quest tab. !!! If this guide helps you drop a reaction or comment !!!
  18. Hello and welcome, for those of you who I haven't met my IGN and YouTube are both 'Skovos'. Feel free to bother me! I'm still fairly new to Simplicity but I genuinely and absolutely love this server, the players and the staff! Easily the best one I've ever been on. I only make and upload videos as I see fit and when I genuinely enjoy doing so. I do make money from my channel but first and foremost it is a hobby that I never want to feel forced on. A video like this I could have stretched to the 10 minute mark to have more ads but I don't believe in those "tactics". Plus it usually makes for better content anyways So here it is, my first video on Simplicity which is mostly aimed at newer players, simply going over some of the basics and things I personally would have liked to know from the start. Huge shout out to Swe Monkey for helping me out and giving me a few ideas as well. He also has a YouTube channel 'SimpMonkey' so make sure you share the love, support each other and we can all grow together. Enjoy! _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ The Give-Away has concluded! 1st Place - 1 Sapphire Box - Winner = Willy5927 2nd Place - 6 Elite Warrior Boxes - Winner = Nokwen 3rd Place - 4 Elite Warrior Boxes - Winner = Young God Congratulations and thank you for the support! Don't forget to check out and follow @ swe monkey YT as well @SimpMonkey !
  19. SIMPLICITY PRESTIGE SHOP The prestige shop is a shop that allows players to purchase cosmetics as well as brawler gloves to attain more exp when equipped. Prestige Shop can be found by talking to Max at Edge bank or ::home2 POINTS PER SKILL Keep in mind, these points are for skills with 2b XP, not skills that are just 99. Points will vary if not at max XP per skill. Following Skills with 2b XP give the following prestige points. Attack: 6 Prestige Points Magic: 12 Prestige Points Defence: 6 Prestige Points Constitution (HP): 18 Prestige Points Strength: 6 Prestige Points Dungeoneering: 30 Prestige Points Mining: 18 Prestige Points Smithing: 42 Prestige Points Fishing: 6 Prestige Points Prayer: 36 Prestige Points Ranged: 12 Prestige Points Cooking: 6 Prestige Points Woodcutting: 6 Prestige Points Firemaking: 12 Prestige Points Crafting: 24 Prestige Points Runecrafting: 18 Prestige Points Agility: 24 Prestige Points Herblore: 24 Prestige Points Farming: 24 Prestige Points Fletching: 12 Prestige Points Slayer: 36 Prestige Points Hunter: 18 Prestige Points Thieving: 6 Prestige Points Construction: 18 Prestige Points Summoning: 30 Prestige Points Hope this guide helps you with prestiging your skills and getting more xp!
  20. Welcome to the All In One Simplicity Bossing Thread. You will find all the information you need on each of the bosses in the links below along with their accompanying thread numbers which you can use while in game. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tarn Guide: ::thread 1185 Vorkath Guide: ::thread 579 Simple Inferno Guide: ::thread 512 Inferno Guide (Video): ::thread 1734 Basic Gear Olm Guide: ::thread 2090 Any Ranged Gear Olm Guide: ::thread 596 Informative Olm Guide: ::thread 1408 In Depth Olm Guide: ::thread 1728 TOB (Theatre of Blood) Pictures Only Guide: ::thread 1168 TOB (Theatre of Blood) Video Guide: ::thread 1729 Solo TOB Guide: ::thread 2315 Server Events Bossing Guide (Includes Wilderness bosses also): ::thread 1129 General Information of other Random Bosses Guide: ::thread 1131 Treasure Island Bossing Guide: ::thread 272 Corporal Beast Guide: ::thread 1388 Hydra Boss Guide: ::thread 1077 Donator Boss Information Guide: ::thread 1084 Zulrah Boss Guide: ::thread 577 Wyvern Boss Guide: ::thread 1739
  21. Hello my fellow adventurers it's AVP here AKA: Advanced Video Player. Warning the video does contain swear words but I can't help that. Welcome to my first ever Runescape video. I'm not the best video maker nor the best speaker but please don't hate on that. I hope to bring you lot more guide videos and possibility live streams for general chit chat and hang out! I hope you all enjoy this Vorkath Guide sorry if I've missed anything out.
  22. Mutated Tarn To get to tarn just do ::tarn or you can go to the Magic Book->Boss Teleports->Tarn When you are getting ready to fight tarn make sure to use your overload, and turn on your prayers before you teleport there. When you are ready hurry and get behind tarn and his demons before they spawn. ------------------------------------------------------- During the fight tarn will freeze you multiple times, And he will use a magic attack that hits twice, be careful this attack can hit 40+ 2 times, and he can hit you with a normal magic attack which counts as a total stack of 3 times being hit (this doesn't happen often but when it does you have a 70/30% chance of surviving, 70% being the chance to survive) ------------------------------------------------------- If you click the passageway you will simply be teleported home, which is a good trick for the hardcore ironmen who attempt this wretched boss. Gear/Supplies I am using Sacred Clay, Scythe of Vitur X, Angelic Boots, Ring of Bosses, Flame Gloves (e), Hydra Cape, and Necklace of Anguish (or) I haven't tried tarn much without this mid tier gear, but I am sure he is possible to do with pernix/blowpipe, or justiciar with a whip/regular scythe. Since i am a sapphire donator (to see donator bonuses you can do ::benefits in game) i don't need any prayer/super restore potions, so I only bring overloads and brews. The people that need prayer you should only bring 1 or 2 potions as you will not be in this fight long enough to really need more and i recommend bringing some rocktails to combo eat with the saradomin brews. I am also using the superior Zuk pet, The superior pets help A LOT on these hard bosses. They give unlimited soulsplit, so you can have a protect prayer on (like magic needed for tarns attacks) while also getting the affect of soulsplit from the pet. The superior pets you can get are Olm(raids), Vorkath, and Zuk(inferno). You can get these pets as a drop but they will be a regular version of the pet and you will need 50b to buy the superior scroll from the note trader in the edgeville bank to upgrade them. Hope this helps -Ruhbeartoe
  23. Simple Guide to Simplicity Bosses To get started just go into your magic book and click the boss teleports! Abyssal Sire Lvl-350 HP-1100 Melee and range attacks are good to use here The sire attacks with magic, he poisons you, and the sire also steals your health! Drops You can see the full list by doing ::finddrop abyssal sire Bandos Avatar Lvl-299 HP-1050 Melee and range work well vs the avatar The avatar attacks with magic and occasionally freezes you Drops You can see the full list by doing ::finddrop bandos avatar Barrelchest Lvl-170 HP-496 Melee is the best, Range works if you're using a blowpipe Barrelchest uses melee attacks, he's a simple boss Drops You can see the full list by doing ::finddrop barrelchest Bork Lvl-267 HP-867 Melee and range are the best to use Bork uses strong melee attacks and he sometimes hits through prayer Drops You can see the full list by doing ::finddrop bork Cerberus Lvl-318 HP-900 Melee and ranged attacks are the best to use Cerberus uses mage and ranged attacks and the mutt drains your prayer becareful! Drops You can see the full list by doing ::finddrop cerberus Chaos Elemental Lvl-305 Hp-1800 Melee and range are good to use The elemental uses all attack styles, While teleporting you away Drops You can see the full list by doing ::finddrop chaos elemental Corporeal Beast Lvl-785 HP-2850 Ranged is recommended unless you have a Scythe of Vitur. The massive beast uses all attack styles, Watch out for his kicks they really hurt! The beast also poisons you (Earl was a BIG help this nasty beast) Drops You can see the full list by doing ::finddrop corporeal beast Dagonnoth Kings Prime Prime Lvl-303 Prime HP-255 Prime attack style:Powerful magic attacks Drops You can see the full list by doing ::finddrop prime Rex Rex Lvl-303 Rex HP-255 Rex attack style:Hard melee attacks Drops You can see the full list by doing ::finddrop rex Supreme Lvl-303 HP-255 Supreme attack style:Powerful ranged attacks Drops You can see the full list by doing ::finddrop supreme Giant Mole Lvl-230 HP-500 Melee is the best choice to kill this nasty thing, range is always a good choice to The mole uses weak melee and magic attacks, it also teleports you back randomly Drops You can see the full list by doing ::finddrop giant mole Glacors Lvl-188 HP-698 Ranged with blowpipe and soulsplit is the best method here, Melee is also a good choice. Glacors use decently hard hitting melee attacks while using weak magic attacks, They also poison you Drops You can see the full list by doing ::finddrop glacor Godwars Need 20 kill count to enter any bosses door Bandos General graardor Lvl-624 HP-300 The big ogre uses ranged and melee attacks Minions Sergeant Strongstack Lvl-141 HP-160 Uses weak melee attacks Sergeant Grimspike Lvl-142 HP-150 Uses weak ranged attacks Sergeant Steelwill Lvl-142 HP-150 Uses weak mage attacks The best way to kill this group is melee, A blowpipe is good to Drops You can see the full list by doing ::finddrop general graardor Zamorak K'ril Tsutsuroth Lvl-650 HP-300 Uses mage and melee attacks Minions Tstanon Karlak Lvl-145 HP-250 Uses weak melee attacks Balfrug Kreeyath Lvl-151 HP-150 Uses weak mage attacks Zakl'n Gritch Lvl-142 HP-150 Uses weak ranged attacks The best way to kill this group is melee, A blowpipe is good to (Mr Troll You was awesome and came to keep things dead while i took pics haha) Drops You can see the full list by doing ::finddrop tsutsuroth Saradomin Commander Zilyana Lvl-596 HP-600 Uses melee and magic attacks Minions Starlight Lvl-149 HP-150 Uses weak melee attacks Growler Lvl-139 HP-150 Uses magic attacks from distant and melee attacks up close Bree Lvl-146 HP-150 Uses mildy strong ranged attacks The best way to kill this group is melee, A blowpipe is good to Drops You can see the full list by doing ::finddrop commander zilyana Armadyl Kree'arra Lvl-580 HP-380 Uses ranged and magic attacks, Will also teleport you slightly to the side Minions Flockleader Geerin Lvl-149 HP-160 Uses weak ranged attacks Flight Kilisa Lvl-159 HP-160 Uses melee attacks Wingman Skree Lvl-143 HP-160 Uses weak magic attacks You can only use ranged weapons here, Blowpipe is good! Drops You can see the full list by doing ::finddrop kree'arra Hydra Lvl-426 HP-1100 All you need to know about hydra is here Drops You can see the full list by doing ::finddrop hydra Kalphite Queen First stage Lvl-333 HP-355 First stage use melee as he protects against magic and ranged attacks, She mainly uses magic attacks in this form Second stage Lvl-333 HP-360 Second stage use ranged as he protects against melee attacks, She uses a mix of magic and ranged attacks in this form Drops You can see the full list by doing ::finddrop kalphite queen King Black Dragon Lvl-276 HP-450 The king of dragons uses melee to attack, He sometimes breathes fire that does hard damage so you will need some type of anti fire (anti fire shield/dragonfire shield/dragon kite shield and antifire potion works perfectly) The best thing to use is melee with a whip, But a crossbow is fine to Drops You can see the full list by doing ::finddrop king black dragon Kraken Whirlpools-You have to shoot all 4 of the small whirlpools before you attack the big one Lvl-291 HP-555 When he is out just attack him, don't worry about the tentacles, He uses magic attacks Ranged is the best to use here Drops You can see the full list by doing ::finddrop kraken Lizardman Shaman Lvl-150 HP-472 The shaman uses melee and magic attacks, He also teleports you a few spaces It's best to use melee on him, Ranged is good to Drops You can see the full list by doing ::finddrop lizardman shaman Nex Lvl-1001 HP-2400 Uses hard hitting magic attack Minions Fumus Lvl-285 HP-450 Uses magic attacks Umbra Lvl-285 HP-450 Uses magic attacks Cruor Lvl-285 HP-450 Uses magic attacks Glacies Lvl-285 HP-450 Uses magic attacks and freezes Ranged weapons/gear is recommended here Drops You can see the full list by doing ::finddrop nex Phoenix Lvl-235 HP-650 This fire bird uses melee attacks Melee and ranged are both good to use here Drops You can see the full list by doing ::finddrop phoenix Scorpia Lvl-464 HP-400 Melee is the best to use, Range is decent Scorpia uses melee attacks, It also poisons you Drops You can see the full list by doing ::finddrop socrpia Skotizo Lvl-321 HP-1000 This purple demon uses melee and magic attacks It is recommended to use range because his melee hits hard Drops You can see the full list by doing ::finddrop skotizo Slash bash Lvl-111 HP-400 Slash bash uses melee attacks Melee and range are both good to use here Drops You can see the full list by doing ::finddrop staff bash Tormented demons Lvl-450 HP-400 The demons use Melee and magic attacks It is recommended to use ranged weapons/gear here, But melee works to(At reduced damage) Drops You can see the full list by doing ::finddrop tormented demon Venenatis Lvl-464 HP-315 Melee is the best to use, range is decent Venenatis uses melee as main attack, But sometimes will do a POWERUL magic attack, And the spider steals your prayer! drops (This is a HARD boss) Drops You can see the full list by doing ::finddrop venenatis Vorkath Lvl-392 HP-3000 Vorkath uses powerful ranged and magic attacks, He disables prayers, And he poisons you , you have to watch for his 2 falling flame balls, And the constant fire breathe It is HIGHLY recommended to use ranged weapons and gear here unless you have a scythe of vitur. (This is a hard boss) Drops You can see the full list by doing ::finddrop vorkath A special thanks to 2 of my good friends Earl Mr Troll You Hope this helps I appreciate all feedback Good or Bad -Ruhbeartoe


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