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🎃 [05.11.2022] Halloween update 2022, New Pets, Glod Event Boss Special, AFK Holy Waterpump, Nightmare + ToB Fixes & More! 🎃

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brad19    20

Amazing work, super quick with the fixes too love it all.

On 11/3/2022 at 6:25 PM, Arthur said:



:pump: DEATH :pump:
Death Reaper is seeking revenge and wants you to return 5 items to him, these items will be in most of the bosses around Simplicity, Once completed he will reward you for your time.

:pump: GHOST'S :pump:
Ghost's are a community npc where the community come together to fight the evil spirits, Every 5000 kills gathered (This amount can be modified to higher or lower) will trigger a Halloween Boss spawn. The teleport for Ghost and Halloween Boss can be found at home, Ghost have guaranteed drop of the new halloween token and along with other drops.

:pump: HALLOWEEN SLAYER :pump:
Speak to the grim reaper to be assigned a slayer task. A player will get a certain npc as a task. That npc will have a chance depending on combat level to drop a Halloween key. Once a npc dropped a key, that tasks becomes invalid and they need to get a new task at the grim reaper. A player needs 5 keys to exchange for a reward.

This is the Halloween shop for 2022 Halloween filled with goodies, Items as new limited skeleton set's, Pumpkin ring that will turn you into pumpking pete, Dye's to make necrolord and scythe of vitur xi into a special halloween color and much more. The Halloween token shop is located at Home.

:pump: HALLOWEEN BOX :pump:
 The Halloween box is dropped from bosses throughout Simplicity, This box contains some limited time halloween items and other goodies, This box can also be bought from the Halloween token shop

 The Halloween event boss Glod is here to slay some souls. He spawns every 30-60 minutes at ::halloween (make sure to come with a team and your best gear or you might get one hitted)

The Drop-table for Glod

New Drop-table for Hespori boss

New Drop-table for Zalcano boss

The brand new AFK spot. Holy waterpump method is one of the fastest AFK spots ever added.
Only allowed to use one alt per AFK spot. If we catch you using the AFK spot with multiple alts, you will get punished accordingly.



■ Added AFK Holy Waterpump (new AFK method next to Edgeville bank).
■ Added new and heavily improved drop-table for Hespori Boss.
■ Added new and heavily improved drop-table for Zalcano Boss.
■ Added 1/1000 drop-table for Kevin Demonic Boss Boss.
■ Added 1/1000 drop-table for Elite Slayer Boss Event.
■ Added Halloween event content.
■ Added Glod, Halloween event boss.
■ Added Grim reaper at home.
■ Added Grim reaper's portal at home.
■ Added spawns for Halloween event with drops for the mini quest.
■ Added timer icon for dream potions.
■ Added Lil' Glod.
■ Added Reaper npc's.
■ Added several custom Halloween items.
■ Added custom timer for imperial drop rate boost.
■ Added Pumpkin Pete Ring.
■ Added Halloween Necrolord.
■ Added Halloween Mythical Sang.
■ Added Halloween Vitur XI.
■ Added Halloween token 2022.
■ Added reset option for halloween tasks.
■ Added ::halloween command to teleport to the Halloween event boss.
■ Added support for Ring of Bosses + (i) for halloween items.
■ Added new items to the Dusk store (Imperial Dungeon II)

■ Fixed a bug with elite slayer instance.
■ Fixed a bug with pets in the wrong store.
■ Fixed a bug with new quick prayers not working.

■ Fixed a runelite boss timer plugin.
■ Fixed portal location and treasure hunter chance on unique halloween items.
■ Fixed a bug with outdated tridents changed to uncharged working trident's.
■ Fixed a bug with Imperial rank donator not being able to visit infernal zone.
■ Fixed a bug where some Imperial members can't use the ::ib (Imperial board interface).
■ Fixed a bug where custom superior pets crash in certain zones.
■ Fixed a bug with sorting drop-table for Halloween boss.
■ Fixed a bug with Raids drop-table when entering with full raiding party.
■ Fixed a bug where standing under Nightmare will force a safespot for the boss.
■ Fixed a bug with Nightmare boss husk spawns.
■ Fixed several more bugs with Nightmare boss.
■ Fixed a bug where you can't drop your superior pet at ::demon.
■ Fixed a bug with Zulrah no lookup option.
■ Fixed a bug where you can cut evil tree and open ::pos and still cut.
■ Fixed a bug where you could open ::pos at ::ali boss.
■ Fixed a bug with the lever at home not working.
■ Fixed a bug where level 97 Effigies only give 33k when states 60k.
■ Fixed a bug with Kraken requirements to kill.
■ Fixed a bug with crystal keys saving for non donors.
■ Fixed ::imperial so ranks with imperial permissions such as moderator can enter.
■ Fixed several bugs with Imperial altar.
■ Fixed a bug where it states name of shop above the one you opened.
■ Fixed a bug where Nylocas room Pillars are immune to Nycolas attacks.
■ Fixed npc ids for grim reaper quest npc and killable reapers.
■ Fixed some bug with key drop chances.

■ General store edgeville coords changed (had pathing issues).
■ Made halloween box spawn on 5k reaper kills
■ Replaced chickens with reapers.
■ Changed prices in Dusk store.
■ Added halloween key tasks.
■ Moved the Halloween portal.
■ Removed the old herb afk spots.

Thank you,

Arthur, Supreme, Kevin & Simplicity Team


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Great update! Keep up the good work! Looking forward for the upcoming updates.

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Jsteeze    26

Overall a fun update! Gave me a good reason to get back into bossing!  Can't wait to see the Christmas event! :) 

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